Silver Investment NZ

A Beginner Guide to Silver Investment in New Zealand

Commodity Investment Silver Investment

Silver Investment

Looking to invest in Silver ? Not sure how and where to get started ? Then we can help. New Zealand investment has been helping kiwis invest in silver for the past 10 years. Check out our beginner guide to investing in copper below

Invest In Silver

The basics of silver investment in New Zealand : Silver 101

Check out some of the best types of silver investment in NZ : Silver Investment Types

Information on silver prices, what’s affecting it and future predictions. : Silver Prices

Find out if silver is a good investment for you : Good Investment

Find out why you should invest in silver in 2022 : Why Invest In Silver

Find out what you need to start investing in Silver : What You Need 

Check out some some of the main risks involved with silver investment in New Zealand : Risk With Silver Investment

Information on who can help with silver investment in NZ : Help With Silver Investment 

Find out how to get started with investing in silver : Start Investing In Silver Now 

Check out some of the best silver investment companies in NZ : Silver Investment Companies 

Silver Investing 101

Silver, the most prevalent metal after gold and has a humongous amount of industrial applications, appears to be the future metal. If you are looking for investment opportunities in 2022, you can’t ignore Silver. Having high volatility can help you earn quick cash, while high liquidity can help you sell your position in the case of any emergency.

Silver investment in New Zealand can be made quickly, either physically or electronically, making it an easy form of investment.

Types Of Silver Investment

Physical Silver (Silver Bullions) or Silver in the form of coins, bars, jewelry, etc., can be bought through stores. There are thousands of stores & shops in New Zealand where you purchase Silver. 

Physical Silver Investment :

You can buy physical Silver through various online websites. Many websites are selling Silver and providing home delivery. 

        1. BuyBullionNew Zealand Mind

        2. Gold Survival Guide

        3. Morris and Watson

Digital Silver Investment :

You can invest in Silver electronically or virtually utilizing stocks, ETFs, and other funds. The procedure to buy Silver is very similar to buying any other commodity. 

Silver Stocks : 

If you want to buy stocks, you can buy stocks of companies working in this domain. Many companies are directly or indirectly involved in silver mining, and you can do some background research about their operations, past returns, and prospects and decide. 

Some examples of companies working in the Silver industry in New Zealand or globally are as follows:-

You can invest in these companies by simply opening your stock trading/ Demat account with any New Zealand-based broker or foreign trusted broker.

Silver ETFs : 

There are many Exchange Traded Funds that allow you to invest in Silver and other precious metals. ETFs are regarded as low-risk investments because they consist of a basket of stocks & other securities.

Silver Derivatives- Future & Options Contract : 

If you are looking for some short-term gains and are interested in trading, then derivatives can be helpful to you. Derivatives that come in 2 primary forms- future & options can help you take short-term positions. The advantage of future and options contracts is high leverage. If your analysis says that silver prices will crash in the coming days, then futures & options allow you even to take a selling position.

Silver Prices In 2022

The price of silver was around NZ $23.32 per troy ounce in January 2021 while in March 2022 it went up to NZ $26.50 per troy ounce and gave approximately 13 % return during this period. 

Whats Affecting Silver Market

Russian Invasion :

Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Copper price has jumped significantly. The sanctions put on Russia by many organizations and nations have impacted the global supply chain of silver as Russia has the world’s sixth-largest silver mining operations.

Covid19 :

After the COVID19 economic slowdown, the global economy is recovering and investments in the fields of transportation, public infrastructure & housing is increasing, which will surely benefit the silver industry. Since the resources of silver mining are limited, experts are bullish on silver and suggest it for future investment. 

Demand For Silver :

If we analyze the longer-term scenario, then silver appears to be bullish because of the steep demand for Solar technology, electronics, engine bearings, medicine and cars,  where silver plays an essential role 

Is Silver A Good Investment For You

Silver being a natural resource is very limited in quantity. Unlike any artificially manufactured item, the amount of Silver is not increasing rapidly. At the same time, the applications of Silver across the globe is increasing. 

Silver is nowadays used in photography, electrical, and electronic appliances, and Silver is the best reflector of light used in making mirrors. Apart from this modern usage, Silver continues to be among the top metals used for making jewelry. 

Also, the rising solar and Electric Vehicle industries strongly correlated with the demand for Silver. 

Silver could be a great investment in long term so if you have money to spare then it could the investment for you. If you are looking for a short term investment then it might not be  for you. 

Silver The New Gold : 

These figures are truly surprising and can justify the fact that silver is being regarded as the new gold.  It is expected that the rise in solar tech production will demand more silver and silver having limited sources will lead to a supply crisis shortly.  

Individuals traders invest in silver for making small profits while organizations invest & trade for hedging risk, as many companies use silver as their raw material. Hence, Silver investment in 2022 can be a good investment for the future

Silver Investment Is Not For Everyone

Anyone can invest in silver as long as you have done your research and have money to spare. Silver investment is mainly for kiwis who are looking for long term gains, it is not for short term quick gains like crypto currencies. So if you are looking to long term investment gains then silver investment could be your answer. Avoid this type of investment if you are looking for quick returns

Why You should Invest In Silver 2022

Despite the poor conditions of the global economy, we can see the stock market flourishing. In most countries, including New Zealand, the stock market is soaring near its all-time high. Many experts believe that this can be a bubble, and the market is waiting for the right time to burst it. The rising geopolitical tensions like the Russian-Ukraine issue and other security-related issues are testifying the expert’s analysis. Hence, silver investment can be a suitable alternative during this uncertainty.

The silver investment market is easy to get into in New Zealand. To begin investing in silver you can simply go an buy silver bullion from local silver merchants or from online sites like trademe . The price of silver is not that high so anyone can get into it and it is likely you will get better returns compared to term investments. ( Bank deposits ) 

Reasons To Invest In Silver :

      • Precious Metal- Silver is considered one of the precious metals. The reason behind this is the high demand and low supply. Silver is a naturally occurring substance mined with a lot of workforce & resources. There are very few places all across the globe where silver mining is done, making it a scarce sense. There is high demand, especially from developing economies like India & China, to increase its price.

      • Cheaper than Gold- Many people want to invest in gold but are not satisfied with the quantity they get. Often people feel a little apprehensive about the high cost. But if you are not comfortable buying gold, you can buy its alternative, i.e., Silver. Silver is cheap compared to gold and has similar high demand, and investing in Silver can provide you good quantity at the same price. Also, gold’s price doesn’t fluctuates as much as silver, which can provide you good trading opportunities.

      • Great potential- If you are familiar with the basics of technical analysis, you should carefully observe the chart of Silver. In the long-term chart of Silver’s price in New Zealand, you can easily find that Silver has a great potential to make a recovery as currently, it is trading near its all-time low. While if you observe the chart of the NZX index, you can infer that it is at its all-time high. Hence, Silver appears to have a great opportunity compared to other assets classes like stocks, where the market has already traded and made tops.

      • Highly Liquid- Silver is one of the most liquid assets, and liquidity refers to how easily you can exchange your asset with cash. Unlike stocks and ETFs, which can be traded only in the market hours and closed on holidays, we can trade Silver anytime. In times of emergency, you can sell Silver and get instant cash without being exploited by the buyers.

      • Availability- Silver is available in physical form and in digital. If you are looking for ideas for a gift, you can gift Silver that comes in various forms like jewelry, coins, bars (silver bullion), and other forms. You can buy Silver without worrying about where to keep it, in entirely digital form, by buying stocks & ETFs. This feasibility makes Silver an excellent asset for investment in New Zealand.

What You Need For Silver Investment

Silver investment requires a good long term strategy, finding that right balance of when to buy, how long to store it and when to sell. Getting this wright is the key to making big profits with silver investment. At a glance you will need these for silver investment in New Zealand. 

    • Money to buy silver 
    • Safe and secure storage for physical storage 
    • Plan when to buy and when to sell 
    • Trusted place to buy silver 
    • Investment Advisor 
    • Price charts / spot price 

Risk With Silver Investment

Like other asset classes and instruments, investing in Silver can come up with some risks. Lets look at some of the man risks associated with silver investment in New Zealand. 

Silver Investment Risks
  • The first risk with trading or making a silver investment is price volatility. Silver is seen to bounce from one level to another in small instants of time. For a newbie, going into a silver investment can be risky, especially if you take short-term positions. While, if you are interested in trading, then Silver can be one of the best assets to trade in and gain quick cash.

  • Silver, being a metal, comes up with different qualities and ratings. If you are buying a physical form of Silver in terms of bullion, coin, or jewelry, you should note what quality you are buying. Also, beware of any hidden/ making charges before purchasing the physical form of Silver.

  • Silver cannot give you a passive income, unlike stocks, which offer some returns in dividends. So, if you are looking for bonuses, you may buy stocks of silver companies in New Zealand rather than buying Silver directly. 

  • It is always suggested to diversify your portfolio and, at the same time, keep making incremental investments to make your assets risk-free and get good returns.

Who Can Help With Investing In Silver

Once you understand the basics of silver investment in New Zealand you will be invest in it like a pro. To start investing you will need to know how and where to buy silver, either it is physical or digital. To start off you can contact local silver brokers and see if they will give you advice on how and where to buy silver for investment purpose. 

Silver Investment Brokers

Buying Silver in digital form using stocks, ETFs or derivatives is similar to making any other commodity investment. The 3 simple steps for online silver investment are:-

    1. Choose a broker or a platform that lists silver company stocks, ETFs, or derivatives. Please note not every platform lists silver. An example of a platform listing silver is Jarden Direct.
    2. The second step is to sign up and make your account on the platform. Some platforms also demand a KYC, which you can finish in a few minutes.
    3. The final step is to load money from your bank account or your credit or debit card. Once you do this, you can buy any stock or invest in any of the funds comprising of Silver.

Start Investing In Silver

If you are looking for some short-term gains and are interested in trading, then derivatives can be helpful to you. Derivatives that come in 2 primary forms- future & options can help you take short-term positions. The advantage of future and options contracts is high leverage. If your analysis says that silver prices will crash in the coming days, then futures & options allow you even to take a selling position

Investment Process
    1. Once, you choose and visit the broker’s website, then fill in your details and make your account. Many platforms also require you to do the KYC, which takes only 2 minutes in 2022.

    2. After creating your account, you can either link your account with your bank account or load money into your wallet with your credit card. 

    3. Now with one click, you can proceed to buy any particular fund, stock or invest using a future and options contract. 

Silver Investment Companies In New Zealand

Silver can be bought either physically or electronically. You can purchase Silver in New Zealand through reputable local comoanies. 

Physical Silver Companies :

You can buy physical Silver through trusted companies in New Zealand. Many websites are selling Silver and providing home delivery. 

        1. BuyBullionNew Zealand Mind

        2. Gold Survival Guide

        3. Morris and Watson

Digital Silver Companies :

You can invest in Silver electronically or virtually utilizing stocks, ETFs, and other funds. The procedure to buy Silver is very similar to buying any other commodity. 

Silver Stocks : 

These are some of the local online platforms that offer digital silver investment in New Zealand investment market. Check them out to see which will be the best platform for your needs. 

You can invest in these companies by simply opening your stock trading account with any New Zealand-based broker or foreign trusted broker.

Silver ETFs : 

There are many Exchange Traded Funds that allow you to invest in Silver and other precious metals. ETFs are regarded as low-risk investments because they consist of a basket of stocks & other securities.

Silver Investment

Silver investment in New Zealand can be one great type of investment. The future appears to be bright, but one needs to take appropriate precautions before investing. Diversifying your total portfolio under multiple assets like stocks, bonds, commodities, metals, cryptocurrencies, etc., can ensure safe and sustainable returns

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